the letdown
A forum tracking success as a real estate agent in the state of Maryland. Meanwhile, a chance for discourse on a wide variety of topics, both real estate related and not. Thanks for stopping in...
So, how cliche is this. First time homebuyers move into a house. Area gets horrendous rainfall of the likes not since in decades. Basement floods. Argh. Even better...first time homebuyers move into a house. Area gets horrendous rainfall of the likes not since in decades. Drip, drip, drip, drip... Right.
Well, I took yesterday off from blogging, but I'm back. These last two days have been a little crazy, and the next two promise to be more so. Went all around South-Southwest Baltimore on Tuesday night, and my clients found a place that they like, and now we are just working out the financing before getting an offer in (should be doing that this afternoon).
Man, so I failed to mention the end of Sunday evening. Sara drives home and, after 30 minutes in the car, I could barely move from the car to the apartment. So, I get inside, Sara shoves two Aleve down my throat and I'm all good.
My own settlement 9 days away. As surprising as it may be considering how often I have bounced around since college, transition is something I don’t deal with all that well. As I indicated in the last couple of posts, staying on task and staying alert and “happy” (“happy” is in quotes here because it’s the best word I can think of…I really mean some weird mix of peaceful, joyous, calm, motivated, etc., but “happy” will have to do) can be a challenge for me in times like this…not sure why.
Still, I am excited…which is the weird thing. My client that had a offer rejected on a property on Saturday and who was going to go find a different one today ended up having second thoughts for lots of reasons…he would have been rushing, which isn’t a good idea when you are throwing around lots of cash. J So, that was disappointing, but not crushing, and I don’t blame him…we’ll keep in touch. Still, after having two contracts ratified in one week, part of me is very uncomfortable that I have not had one in the last two…which is extremely silly. To expect to keep up a pace like that your first year in the business is like a 12-year-old in Little League expecting to get a hit every time up to bat (to no surprise, I was like that J ). I have two serious buyers that I will be showing properties to over the next two weeks, a couple solid leads on sellers that seem to be pleased with what they have heard of my marketing program, and a dozen more leads that I am currently helping in the early stages of their processes. So, things are far from bleak. I just need to move so I can get back into a good rhythm of marketing and business-building.
In other news, I just verbally committed to a soccer league in the fall, which should be a blast. I was a keeper in high school and throughout intramurals in college, and I am very excited to get back at it. I warned the contact that I will be pretty rusty coming out of the gate, but he seemed okay with that…they are pretty desperate for a keeper. My first practice with the team is June 25th. J
Alright…time to go home.
You know how when the place that you live is in chaos, it's hard to really get things done. It's like trying to study for finals week when your dorm room is a wreck and your roommate is smoking up (no, of course roommate never smoked up...).
So, Blogger was down late last night, so I couldn't post...sorry for all of my two loyal fans (up two from last month, so that's a start :) ).
More and more lately I have found myself starting to write one thing, and then checking myself and writing something else. The need to maintain client confidentiality in the transactions I am in the middle of, making sure I don’t offend my co-workers, and being careful not to undermine any piece of anyone’s business (including my own J) means that it is somewhat impossible for me to write these posts without a pretty firm filter. I apologize for that.
Meeting this morning. Home inspection at noon. Showing properties in
So, real quick: my pet peeve with the Century 21 commercial. Realtor and client in client’s new house. Paraphrase of client: “You are the greatest Realtor ever. We must have seen 27 houses.” Paraphrase of agent: “Actually, it was 41.” Cue cheesy music and “Century 21” hits the screen, as if they are the greatest because their Realtors show 41 houses. Gag.
Seriously, there are agents that show you 41 houses. There are agents that will show you 121. If you want that out of an agent, call someone else…actually, I’ll help you if you want me to. J
Again, I fear I am being a little too harsh here, but please hear what I am saying. If you think that I feel this way because I am lazy and don’t work my butt off for my clients, you would be dead wrong. Here’s what I wrote to a client a couple of weeks back:
“In my experience and with the training I've received, I've learned that there are two ways to buy properties:
One, we could spend several days going to look at dozens of properties with no clear idea of what our objectives are. We will likely buy one or more in the long run, but I suggest that this is not an efficient use of time or energy for either of us. Also, when you do this, you risk not getting the properties you eventually decide that you want because of the nature of how quick the…market moves.
Two, we do a lot of research by looking at the listings on line (this was why I originally suggested waiting until June 5th to go see anything). We pick out our best options “on paper," and go to see these options with full intention of making an offer on one or two of them the day we do this "tour". The most properties I have ever shown a buyer before they put in an offer is twelve (and this all in one day), and that is because I work hard with the buyer to narrow down their options with them before we ever set foot in a single one.
Now, I understand if you might want to spend a couple of hours or so driving through the areas that we are talking about one day, and then go back to do the tour I am suggesting another day...that would work for me. However, I would really recommend against just going out to see some properties on several different days before we put in an offer on anything. If this is really what you want from a Realtor, I would be more than happy to find a Realtor for you who has a different way of going about things than I do.
Again, I do want to reiterate that I have no intention of rushing you at all. We will go out to tour properties and buy whenever you are ready...I just want us to do the majority of our homework before we hit the road, and not after. If there is a list of questions that you would like me to ask about certain properties to help narrow down our search, I would be more than happy to call all the listing agents of these properties and do this research with you.
I really think that I can be a big asset to you, and I hope you understand that, while my method of helping clients buy properties does serve to protect our time, I also feel that it provides you with top-level service. There are many drawbacks to seeing dozens of properties over the course of a few weeks that I would be more than happy to discuss with you further.
There…so I’ve said my peace. Now, I hope you all feel just as ill over that stupid commercial as I do. J And, if you don’t, imagine driving around in a car on a several hot days looking at house after house when you can’t even remember the house that you saw three houses ago. In my opinion, every house that you see after 5, makes it exponentially harder to have clarity in the home buying process…hence, why I don’t think I’ll ever show more than 12 to the same client.
But, again, that’s just me…it’s worked extremely well so far, and my clients love it, so I’ll stick with it until I see a need to change it.
Funny, strange. Funny, haha. Funny, odd. Funny, fickle. Just funny. People are "funny".
Seriously, I have learned more about
So, in the end, it was actually quite informative and interesting, for me just as much as it was for my client. Back at the office, we ran some “market updates” using the multiple listing service, and there are some distinct possibilities that Karl is going to spend the weekend mulling over with a business partner of his.
Meanwhile, Sara and I are going to spend this evening with friends picking out appliances.
Have a great weekend everyone!!
This heat is knocking me out…that, and the stress (good and bad) of two ratified contracts, car troubles on both the cars, getting closer and closer to my own settlement, and having no A/C in the ridiculous excuse of an apartment complex that Sara and I can’t wait to move out of.
Meanwhile, our crazy, 6-month old kitten hasn’t recovered from the three days that Sara and I were away. Now, our cats have an automatic-cleaning litterbox, an automatic-filtering water dish, and an automatic feeder, so they were taken care of by the wonders of technology crossed with pet pampering. Still, our kitten has this ridiculous need to be pet 18 hours a day, especially when it comes to Sara. Over the last two nights, this ball of furr that I simultaneously am delighted with, frustrated by, and fascinated over has woken me up at least ten times in his attempts to get the comatose, sleeping beauty next to me to pet him. And, anyone who knows me, knows how hard I sleep, so the kitten is doing a lot to wake me up. J I keep telling Sara that we need to lock Sambuca (that’s his name, although Sara insists that his full name is Sambuca Tequila, but we usually just call him Buca) out of the bedroom at night because he’s a lunatic, and she says, “Awwww, but I feel bad. And, besides, he lets us sleep through the night and just starts waking me up at 4am.” Right…”through the night” and “4am” aren’t mutually exclusive. My bad. :/ Sara is not the overly compassionate type…except when it comes to our furrballs…
Anyway, so the long and the short of my rant is that I’m feeling slightly worn down…can’t believe it’s Thursday already. I’m showing an investor around