greetings from Lake Weyer
So, how cliche is this. First time homebuyers move into a house. Area gets horrendous rainfall of the likes not since in decades. Basement floods. Argh. Even better...first time homebuyers move into a house. Area gets horrendous rainfall of the likes not since in decades. Drip, drip, drip, drip... Right.
So, moving weekend was a bit more eventful than hoped for. I misjudged the size truck that we would need, far underestimating the sheer magnitude of 5 appliances and how much they can eat of usable truck space. :) So, that's meant a couple extra trips back to our apartment. And, then, it rained and rained and rained. Fortunately, our basement issue looks like something that we can manage. And the dripping from the ceiling is only from the vent in our bathroom; the lack of water spots on the ceiling suggest nothing more than a problem with the cover of the vent, so that should be easily addressed by someone with a huge ladder.
My dad is down helping that move, so that's been awesome. Overall, it's just great to be owning. No more screaming matches with maintenance trying to get them to fix the A/C after months...just hire someone to get it done. More responsibility is an easy price to pay for a sense of control over your living environment.
In regards to my business, one of the client couples I took out last week landed a ratified contract on Saturday, which has been awesome...and, then, I met with a friend of theirs who is looking to follow their lead today. My meeting with him today went well, and I can almost guarantee that it will be the inspiration of a long rant tomorrow about the stupidity of dress codes and "professional image."
But, for now, sleep is already taking control as I type.
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