Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Time's Flying

This year has gotten off to a real good start with a settlement next week, a contract written last week, a listing that should be going under contract with a couple of days, and a contract that is supposed to be written tomorrow. On top of that, leads are just coming from several angles, so it's good to see the dedication of the last two years paying off. :)

I'd write more, but I'm pretty tired. Below is an e-mail that I sent off to contact database earlier today, including a link to pictures from the client appreciation event that I organized for earlier this month. Enjoy!


Dear ___,

I looked at the calendar today and it all of a sudden dawned on me that an entire month of ’08 is already gone…craziness. I really don’t have much to say in this e-mail, but I did want to pass on this two things:


A special thanks to everyone that came out to the event, and especially to Franz Yanagawa for taking lots of awesome pictures. While my bowling skills didn’t improve too much, it was great to be able to catch up with a lot of different people, and to even make a couple of new friends. Whether or not you went, you can see the pictures at the following link:


So, since week four, I told everyone that would listen that the Colts were going to repeat as Super Bowl champions and I became more and more adamant about this until…well…yes (nice “catch” at the goal line, Keith…argh). So, now the Colts are out, but my childhood team managed to make it to the Super Bowl (I wish everyone had three chances to execute on the most important moment of their careers, don’t you?). At this point, I’m going to go with my heart and not with my brain and predict the upset of the century, with the G-men winning 20-17. If anyone else wants to make a prediction, I’ll send the person who gets closest some gift cards to Starbucks. :)

Well, as usual, let me know if I can be of any help whatsoever to someone you know in 2008!
