the first post...

I almost called this blog "The Life of the Poker Player, Real Estate Selling, Jesus Follower," but I decided it may have been a little much. :) (In college, I got an article published that was called "The Wild Ride of a Fraternity Brother, Theatre Major, Evangelical Christian", and I find it really interesting to see how 4 years has changed so much.)
Anyway, I don't know what this blog will become, but I think it's going to be a few different things: 1, a chance for me to download all that I am learning in real estate, saving my wife from having to hear it all day in and day out; 2, an opportunity to serve my clients by keeping them aware of opportunities that are open to them; 3, a chance for me to have a little more of a web presence as I continue to build and grow my real estate business; and, 4, a forum where I can answer questions posed by my clients and anyone else who happens to stumble along.
So, no matter what happens over the next few days, weeks, and months, thanks for reading this, and I hope you become an active member of my journey toward becoming a great real estate agent in the state of Maryland. If my memory is right, there are around 47,000 Realtors in the state of Maryland, and 72% of them don't make it past the first year. I am dedicated to the training, the education, and the high level of service to my clients that will help me from being just another one to not make it in this industry! And, honestly, somehow and someway that I can't fully quantify, I think this blog will help.
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