Your Real Estate Ace's Blog
A forum tracking success as a real estate agent in the state of Maryland. Meanwhile, a chance for discourse on a wide variety of topics, both real estate related and not. Thanks for stopping in...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Company Switch Official - Hello Day Home Team!

Areas Covered:
While other real estate teams have dozen of agents (usually varying in quality), the Day Home Team consists of only a handful of highly competent agents. As a result, despite a relatively small number of agents, the Jay Day –And– The Day Home Team provides a high level of service to both buyers and sellers throughout the states of Maryland and Pennsylvania. More specifically, since 2005, the Day Home Team has represented hundreds of buyers and sellers in real estate transactions spanning the following counties: Adams (PA), Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore, Carroll, Franklin (PA), Frederick, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George’s, and York (PA).
The Day Home Team was established in 2005 by Jay Day and has quickly grown to become a top team in the real estate industry. The real estate agents on the team bring a ton of experience to the table on all aspects of the real estate industry (some of the agents on the team have previous experience in the mortgage and title industries, increasing the team’s ability assist all of its clients). The Day Home Team is one of the only teams to have a graphic artist on staff, ensuring high quality and quick turnover on all of the brochures, flyers, and marketing materials that it needs to produce to be successful in the industry. Furthermore, the Day Home Team also has built a strong network of professionals ready to assist its clients, including real estate attorneys, title companies, mortgage professionals, licensed home/termite/radon inspectors, insurance providers, licensed home stagers, contractors, tax advisors, and financial planners.
Jay Day himself is a firm believer in using educational tools to better assist the team’s clients. In only 3 years, Jay has earned his CRS (Certified Residential Specialist) designation which is only earned by 4% of all Realtors in the United States. He has also earned his ABR (Accredited Buyer Representative) designation, which is the benchmark of excellence in buyer representation, and, to stay ahead of the curve in the industry, Jay earned his ASP (Accredited Staging Professional – Real Estate) designation.
In 2007, the Day Home Team grew, both in market share and in skill as a real estate team, to the point that the team SOLD ONE OF ITS LISTINGS EVERY 4 DAYS (despite it being of the most difficult seller markets in recent history)!! Correspondingly, the team was invited to join the only Real Estate Advocacy Group in the United States and the team earned recognition as the only ReExperts for Frederick and Carroll Counties. Topping all of this off, the success, professionalism, and competency of the Day Home Team caught the eye of Pulte Homes, one of the top builders in the country, and now Jay Day –And– The Day Home Team is the exclusive preferred real estate team for Pulte Homes in Carroll, Frederick, Howard, and Prince George’s counties.
Now, Jay continues to attend real estate conferences around the United States with the nations top Realtors, always with the goal of gaining more expertise in the theory and practice of real estate in order to give the clients of the Day Home Team an exceptional experience in the buying and selling of their homes.
Dear Personal/Business Contact of Greg,
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of Greg’s past clients, future clients, family, and friends to the family of the Day Home Team. As stated above, Greg will make an exceptional fit into my team, and I am thrilled that we will be able to work together in serving the clients of the Day Home Team.
Now you will also have the opportunity to EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES!
Jay Day
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Eli's Going to Disney Land, Baby!!

Thanks, Greg
Probably the most important information in this e-mail is in regards to new developments in the Maryland Homestead Tax Credit so, if you are short on time, skip the small point and go straight to that… Otherwise, I must start this e-mail by saying…
So I guess I am sending this a little late to gloat about how close I was in predicting the victory of the Giants over the (ahem) previously-unbeaten Pats. :) My 20-17 prediction was good enough for me to win my own Starbuck’s gift cards but, since that is just silly, I’ll be sending a couple off to the second-place finisher, Andrea Smith, who amazingly predicted that the Giants would win 13-10. So, congrats, Andrea! Now, I’m going to go order my David Tyree jersey… :)
As I have said in previous e-mails, please change my e-mail address in your rolodex, Outlook Contacts, Palm pilot, cell phone, address book, or whatever primal-to-high tech form of filing that you use to this: I do not use the Long and Foster account any longer…
If you are a Home Interiors fiend, I have a good link for you: Jamie Backstrom is a client of mine and she just went high-tech and set up her own website filled with the stuff from the Home Interiors catalogues. The link is
Until now, the Homestead Tax Credit was something that was automatically applied to homeowners in Maryland. However, because too many property owners were wrongfully getting the credit on more than just their primary residence, homeowners must now apply for the credit every year. I compiled some information below to help you make sure that you are not missing out on big savings on your property taxes, so be sure to read it over; if you have any specific questions and/or would like me to e-mail you a .pdf version of the Homestead Tax Credit application, just let me know.
Well, that’s it! Thanks, Greg; please let me know if you know anyone that is planning to buy or sell a home in 2008 that could use the services of a caring and competent professional on their side!
Property owners who use the property as their principal residence will receive an assessment notice containing a Homestead Tax Credit Application for the first time this year beginning January 1, 2008. This one-time application must be submitted in order to insure that the credit is granted only on eligible properties and not on properties that are rented or used as vacation homes. The applications can be filed on-line at
1. What is this new law that requires homeowners to apply for the Homestead Tax Credit? Why is it needed?
Legislation enacted by the 2007 session of the General Assembly will require homeowners to submit a one-time application in order to continue their eligibility for the homestead tax credit. The homestead credit limits the amount of assessment increase on which a homeowner will pay property taxes in that tax year on the one property actually used as the owner’s principal residence. The reason why the application process was needed is because some property owners were improperly receiving the credit on vacation homes and rental properties. County and municipal governments were losing tax revenues needed to provide important services to their residents. The only way to verify residency of the homeowner is to require an application and have the filer provide his or her Social Security number.
2. Why should I want to submit the homestead application?
Because of assessment increases and because of the low assessment caps adopted by the county governments, most homeowners in the State have been receiving substantial homestead credits each year on their property tax bills. Anne Arundel County has been limiting taxable assessment increases to 2%. The homestead caps in Baltimore City and Baltimore County have been limiting the taxable assessment increases to 4%. Prince George’s County government has been limiting assessment increases to 4%. If a homeowner is later made ineligible for the credit for failure to submit an application, he or she may receive a substantial increase in the property tax bill without the credit.