Thursday, August 03, 2006


So, fax machines can be one of the most annoying parts of being a Realtor. I am waiting like an hour for 66-pages to magically appear in another place so I can get my little confirmation, which assures me that this hunk of machinery didn't decide to screw up from page 20 on just to let me know that it took itself 40+ more pages of "processing" and "memory in use" to figure out that it didn't do it's job right. Ah, technology.

So, having 66-pages to send is both a blessing (yeah, potential to get money) and a curse (boo, sitting at the office at 8pm waiting for a stupid fax to go through). It's all a potential major frustration because the contract may not be accepted, so you just spent an entire day carefully crafting 66-pages of what is ultimately only good for the recycle bin.

Anyway, I think we are on page 40 by now, so we are almost there...



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