Friday, July 07, 2006

apologies to the faithful 2 :)

Moving has destroyed my ability to remember to post on this thing daily without a problem. :)
Well, that and two settlements in a week and 4th of July stuff and seeing friends in the area now that we live here and rain coming through the bathroom roof and other stuff needing attention around the house and and and...  Overall, things are good.  I definitely have to be careful, because I have reverted to college hours more than I have ever in this last couple of years.
Speaking of which, that's a good rant for today...  College hours.  Man, 4 years of college prepared me to succeed as a Realtor...despite my mom's occasional, "So, why did we pay for that college education?", the Hamilton education I received prepared me to be a communicator and a thinker in an industry that is overrun with agents that don't do either or both of those things well.  Okay...that's another rant for another time.
But, as I was getting at, college, while useful, also manages to train your body to be at its most productive between the hours of 11pm and 4am (which is just about what time it is now).  Crazy.  So, at your formative years of adulthood, you are trained to perform in ways that is never again going to be entirely satisfactory or ideal for the rest of your life.  Blah.
So, I guess that's just a mini-rant.  One day, I will grow up enough to learn how to surpass all the many distractions that exist during the day so I am not posting something like this at an ungodly hour such as this. :) But, seriously, when it gets late, and it's quiet inside and out, and nothing good's on tv, and no new e-mails are coming in, and the number of players on the poker sites has significantly decreased, and the cats are not being persistent in their quest to be pet, and there's no meals to prepare,, I can work effectively, efficiently, and attentively.
I'll get back to a more normal schedule over the upcoming weeks...


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