Friday, July 07, 2006


So, after catching up on e-mail until I posted late last night (um...this morning), I went to bed. I catch 5 hours of sleep and wake up at 9am to a couple of e-mails that I need to reply to.

I take a shower and get out the door by 10:10am, with my untied tie hanging around my neck. I get to Laurel for a 10:30am pre-settlement inspection. My buyer shows up just about on time (by my standards :)) with her mother, fresh in from California. The pre-settlement inspection went off without a hitch, and the sellers were seriously the sweetest people ever, which was great.

So, we left the property around 11am, and now we needed to get word from the title company with what the buyer had to bring the table (4th of July week was screwing everybody up...the condo association hadn't gotten documents to the lender, etc...). So, I call the title company and leave a message for the processor. At this point, the buyer had planned to go to a bank near the property, not one near the settlement, so a quick call to my beautiful "assistant" (a.k.a. "wifey") gets me a new location for the bank near the title office.

In the 30 minutes to the the bank, I make a few phonecalls, only to find out that another of my buyers (settlement date: July 20th) is way behind in getting things together in time for settlement (again, July 4th...argh), so I'm dealing with that, while my buyer and I perform a comedy routine in finding a bank because the numbers on Ritchie Highway stop and restart right where we were, and she, driving separately from me with a GPS in her car, forgot we had to go to the bank all together. Right.

So, we get to the office and the two previous settlements started late, so now we need to wait to get started. So, the 12:30pm settlement starts closer to 1pm. I get out of there at 2:20pm and (again with the help of my "assistant") get over to my Ft. Meade office around 2:40pm for a 2:30pm appt. Yikes.

Fortunately, my clients for this appt. were late, so we got out to see the one property they wanted to see, a rental in Severn. It's perfect for them, but their credit is real shaky, so who knows how that is going to work out. But, they are in touch with the property management company, so keeping fingers crossed. I really want to help this people, and it's frustrating that I have so few options for thier situation. :(

Anyway, so that wraps up around 3:45pm, and I get over to the BWI office for 4:00pm, pretty much figuring that my appt. wasn't going to show up (it was a potential new client that I set an appt. with on Monday, and she's been ducking my calls ever since), but I needed to drop off copies of the HUD-1 to the office assistant anyway, so it was worth a 10-minute trip.

Since then I've been catching up on e-mails and phone numbers and what not. to home...a couple of things to do at the home office and then calling it a week. :)


P.S. Oh, and I found out today that somehow I am my office's "Top Producer of the Month," "Top Sales Agent of the Month," and "Rookie of the Month" for the month of June, so that's cool...


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