So, with the help of 3 sponsors, I got 65 tickets to an Orioles game that I am inviting all my clients, business contacts, and friends to. Should be a great time, and I expect to have to get a few more tickets with where the current response is at.
In between now and then, it's just the craziness of the Spring market. I had one client go AWOL on her co-buyer and me this past weekend, which is making for an interesting (albeit, not unworkable) situation. I'm working with my sellers to get their listings ready for the market ("No, lavender ceilings won't help your home sell for top dollar..."), hopefully by the end of this month. And I'm helping a couple of my clients find a couple of rentals, while they take the next year as preparation to buy next year at this time.
This is on top of trying to stay on top of the dozen or so strong leads for this season, and a few more that are a bit less-than-strong. It's always a delicate balance between making sure that you are as busy as you can be, but not too busy that your quality of service starts to take a hit. Correspondingly, I need to give my potential clients enough space to take as much time as they need to make the decisions that are right for them, but also try to communicate to them that, in some way, it is in their best interests to make a decision sooner rather than later to ensure that I can commit to them 100%.
Well, with the lack of anything I feel like ranting about, coupled with a couple very long e-mails I have written today and a fair amount of hunger, now seems like as good an ending point as any.
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