Friday, May 26, 2006

the "Friday" post

So, I'm gonna cheat and get Friday's post in before it's really Friday. Well, I guess it's "really" Friday, being that it's 1:50am, but you know what I mean. :)

Seriously, I don't think my body is ever going to recover from what I did to it in college. During those four years, I taught it that, no matter how sleep deprived it was, it needed to be optimally functional between the hours of midnight and 4am. That's when I could do work. That's when no one else was around, and everything got quiet. That's when nothing distracting was on television and there were no meetings interfering with a long block of time during one could just work.

Now, you get out into the real world, and it's like you're expected to completely change your times of optimum functionality. It's crap. I protest. :)

Anyway, for now, I just need to go with it. As I am still busily getting my business systems in place and learning shortcuts that improve my efficiency, without detracting from my efficacy (my wife, whom I affectionately call "Webster's", will be so proud...although, I have no doubt that she will find some obscure grammatical nuance that I improperly used in this sentence), I can only resist my body's natural tendencies so much. Once of twice a week, I turn to Sara and say, "Honey, I gotta stay up late tonight," and proceed to knock out in 3 hours between midnight and 3am what it would have taken me 8 hours to do had the sun been out. Gotta love being self-employed. :)

In other news, I am not happy with CVS for the way they set up innocent husbands trying to serve their wives, but I must deprive you of the whole story for fear of getting "the look" from the Princess. :)

Have a great memorial day weekend, everyone!!



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