Thursday, May 25, 2006

am I in Jersey yet?

Part of me has been sleeping all day.  One of those days where doing anything productive beyond talking to people has been hard to come by.  Fortunately, I was able to talk to a lot of good people.  I had a meeting with an investor who is looking to break into the different markets in northern Anne Arundel County and Baltimore City, and then picked up a new buyer client thanks to a referral from another agent.


Now, finally, all the other agents have left the office, which will help my focusing problem. J I am showing properties with a client tomorrow afternoon, and need to set up her showing appointments, and I also want to get some mailings together and shoot off some e-mails to a couple of my clients before I leave.


Hence, I’m gonna make this short.  I head for Jersey tomorrow night after I get a contract offer in with my client, where I’m gonna spend the weekend with my family…it’s gonna be great to spend some time with my brother, his wife, and my nephew, as I haven’t seen them in a long time.


I’ll post something at some point tomorrow before I leave…




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